The Best Gift


Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

My Dear Readers,

Before I begin today’s post, I would like to apologize to those readers who check my blog daily for not writing much as of late.  I have been dealing with a lot these days.  I’ll sum up what happened quickly, as they are not particularly things I enjoy talking about, but I know that blogging is my way to get things out.

On December 10th, I went through the anniversary of my dearest friend’s death.  Chrissy Isobel was hit by a drunk driver and killed one year ago on that date.  It was the hardest day of my life.  I met her online and found out how close she lived to me.  That is when we became dear friends.  Now that I don’t have her with me anymore, I am trying hard to deal, and actually managing, thank goodness.  I know she is helping me from a better place.

The other important event that has taken place was my sister’s birthday, on December 5th.  That again was a hard day, as I am still unable to contact her or my other sister.  Usually, on her birthday, I have a gift ready for her, I make her a cake, and we enjoy her birthday as a family.  That day I celebrated it on my own and wished her happiness from an hour away.

The third event that has made things hard for me to write lately was losing someone I thought was a dear friend to me.  Jake and I got in an enormous fight that ended up in blocking.  I don’t believe I will ever be speaking to him again; I’ve made that choice.  It is better for us both.

Now, enough with the depressing stuff!  Lets talk of what’s good!

Christmas is coming up, folks!  I’m pretty excited, personally, since this will be my first ever Christmas with a family who cares, all in one place.  Christmas to me has always been a big deal, because I’ve just always been more cheerful when I am able to make things for people. 

I finished all my shopping on Cyber Monday, because you all know I wouldn’t risk my safety and well-being running around a crowded store at midnight fighting over 2$ waffle irons.  However, I did manage to get some amazing deals online (for which I would love to thank Kohls, Fukh8, Gap, and other wonderful online shopping centers that I visited and shopped with).

This year, I have received the best Christmas present I could ever ask for.  I received a friend of mine back.  Grant, a dear friend of mine from my online days contacted me once he realized I was actually alive.  The last day I talked to him was the day I was sent to Dominion hospital, so I can imagine he was scared by my swift disappearance.  We were dating when I left, but I broke things off.  We’ve decided to be friends for now.  However, I am just glad he is back in my life and that I don’t have to hide him from my father or step-mother.  They are carefully monitoring things, so my readers do not have to worry about me falling back into old forgotten habits. 

Grant and I were friends for a long while before I left.  I spent months without him and now that he is back, I am bordering happiness, even with all the other horrible stuff that has been going on.  I would like to dedicate this post to him, my Grant, as thanks for always being there for me and for loving me.  I love you Grant!

To the rest of my readers, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, in case I am unable to write until after I get back from vacation.  I get to go to New York!  So yes, thank you all for reading and accepting my views. I love you all for that.

Lots of Love and Christmas Cheer,


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